Can trackbacks be used to your benefit? Trackbacks can get tricky, since they often turn up in the form of useless spam that has nothing to do with your blog. They also may lure readers off your site and onto another person’s site, which is exactly the opposite of what you want. You’ll need to monitor your website for trackbacks, deleting trackbacks that are unsavory or just plain useless, and only responding to those that would edify your website. If you use tracksbacks correctly, you may build up a good flow of traffic for yourself and several other sites. How can you utilize pingbacks to your advantage? Pingbacks (once you enable your site for them) will let you know when other people post your material or link to your site. It’s a good way to find out who likes your stuff without the hassle of editing comments and protecting yourself from spam. Pingbacks can be great ways to investigate who has checked out your site or maybe a good marketing relationship. Both trackbacks and pingbacks can be used to enhance your blogging experience.