Tips For Striving Forward All The Time

When it comes to “rules in life that tend to apply to every person,” there are actually very few, but one rule that most people agree applies to just about everyone is this: if you are not moving forward in life, you are moving backward – and this applies to your life as it pertains to work, relationships, and life itself. Of course, some people would contend that there is actually a middle ground as well – where you are not moving forward in these areas, but where you are instead simply stationary – but even if this is true, being stationary (or stagnant!) is not a whole lot better than moving backward, so it is worth it to know how you can make sure you are always moving forward in all three of these areas.

The question of whether you are moving forward or backward in your work is the most easily answered, as there are typically measurables that can indicate which is the case; in order to make sure you are moving forward instead of backward, your goal at work should be to always look for the “over the top” (the “above and beyond”) things that you can do in your job – and then to make an effort to do these things!

As far as relationships are concerned, this can be a bit more difficult to recognize until you regress so much in your relationship with someone that you cannot help but realize; rather than putting yourself in a position where you reach this point, it is far better to always move forward in your relationships – and one of the best ways to do so is to always make an effort to make memories together instead of simply “hanging out” and passing the time.

And when it comes to the question of life itself, this is often the most difficult to identify, and the most difficult to turn around; if you want to make sure you are moving forward in life, however, the best thing to do is to know what your goals are – and then to make sure you are constantly making an effort to chase these goals!

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