More than likely, you have heard it said before that you should treat others how you would want to be treated (that this is the “golden rule”) – but while most of us would agree that this is undoubtedly a worthwhile principle to adhere to in our everyday lives, the practical application of this concept can be a bit more difficult, as it can sometimes be tough to discern exactly what this means in each unique situation. While there is certainly no handbook that gives you exactly what you need to know about “treating other people the way you would want to be treated,” one thing that will help with this idea is breaking it down into smaller parts – that is, how you would want to be treated at work, in your family, and by those you simply come across in your day to day existence.
At work: The first thing you should realize when it comes to treating people the way you would want to be treated at work is that this goes for everyone from the janitors to those you are in charge of to those who are your contemporaries to those who you report to; the rule of thumb at work is to make sure you are treating everyone with respect and politeness, no matter who they are or what it is that they do! In your family: When you are trying to treat people in your family the way you would want to be treated yourself, the main thing will be that you do not try to change people; when you are close to (and familiar with) someone, it can be easy for you to pick out the things you feel they should do differently, and to try to make them change – but just as you do not appreciate when your family members do this to you, they do not appreciate it when you do it to them, and you should always keep this in mind! People you simply come across: And with strangers or people you are passing on the road or on the sidewalk, you should realize that a smile goes a long way – and something that goes even farther is looking for ways to help people in any small way you can!-
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